Nume: ANTON Mioara
Tema: Istoria Mării Negre
Partener: Institutul de Istorie Nicolae Iorga
Proiect: Strategic interests and geopolitical developments in the Black Sea region. 1939-1947
Date de contact
mioaraanton@gmail.com sau mioaraanton@yahoo.com
Curriculum Vitae
Position held: Ph.D., SENIOR RESEARCHER
- 1993–1997, Faculty of History, University of Bucharest;
- 1997–1998, Masters Degree, "Romania and Europe in the Twentieth Century", Faculty of History, University of Bucharest;
- 2000–2005, Doctoral Studies, Faculty of History, Philosophy and Geography, University of Craiova;
- 3 December 2005, Ph.D in History .
Career details
- June 2001–to the present, researcher at the Institute of History „N. Iorga“, Romanian Academy, Bucharest; from May 2006, senior researcher at the same institution; General secretray of the editorial board of the review „Studies and Materials of Contemporary History“; secretary of the joinc commision of historians from Romania and Russian Federation; since 2008, I coordinate in the „Nicolae Iorga“ History Institute a research programme entitled „Frontiers and national minorities in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe in the first half of the 20th century. A comparative study“.
- May 2002–to the present, associate researcher at the National Institute for the Study of Totalitarianism.
- July 2006–to the present, associate researcher at the Romanian Diplomatic Institute, Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- From October 2008– to the present, lecturer at the Faculty of History, Department of Romanian Contemporary History, University of Bucharest.
- September 1998–June 2001, editor of review Dosarele istoriei („History Files“);
- Prizes:
Romanian Academy Prize, for War and Propaganda. Romanian on the Eastern Front (1941-1944), December, 2009
Strategic interests and geopolitical developments in the Black Sea region. 1939-1947
Known as the „pocket“ of the Mediteranean Sea, the Black Sea region historically is a space for collaboration, but also confrontation, between Europe and Asia. From the perspective of permanent features in the history of the Black Sea space we consider it necessary to extend research to the Second World War. The signature of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact considerably altered the fragile balance in Central-Eastern Europe. Competition for supremacy in the Black Sea region was opened, the Great Powers beginning a complicated diplomatic game with at stake not only the drawing of spheres of influence in the Balkans, but also in the Near East.
This project proposes therefore to emphasise the way in which the individuality of the Black Sea was perceived and the formula found by the Great Powers to articulate their strategies of security and domination, grasp the geopolitical and geostrategic importance of the Black Sea space. Research will offer options and solutions for determining the specific developments in the relations between the Great Powers in the course of the Second World War, with profound and lasting implications for the entire East European space.
The project proposes multifaceted research into the problematics of the Black Sea, primarily based on the study of archives and existing collections of documents, and of other historical sources from Romania and the other countries of the space concerned. The project thus aims to be a complex work of scientific research, with a wide and balanced view of the issues which were on the foreign policy agenda of both the Great Powers and the coastal states. Such research demands a comparative approach which presupposes recourse to interdisciplinary methods through the investigation of connected domains: geopolitics, economic and military history, diplomacy. This will allow the identification of common problems (the development of relations between the Great Powers: Germany, the Soviet Union, Great Britain, and the USA), as well as those specific to the coastal states (security strategies, association with one of the Great Powers to protect security space, forms of regional cooperation).
Major publications
- România şi Tratatul de la Varşovia. Coferinţele miniştrilor Afacerilor Externe şi ale adjuncţilor lor (Romania and the Warsaw Treaty. The Conferences of the Foreign Ministers and Their Deputies. 1966-1991), Documente Diplomatice Române, seria a III-a, Ministerul Afacerilor Externe, Institutul Diplomatic Român, Editura Alpha MDM, Bucureşti, 2009;;
- Propagandă şi război. Campania din Est. 1941-1944 (War and Propaganda. Romania on the Eastern Front. 1941–1944), Editura Tritonic, Bucureşti, 2007, 462 p.;
- Ieşirea din cerc. Politica externă a regimului Gheorghiu-Dej (Breaking the Circle. The Foreign Policy of Gheorghiu-Dej’s regime), Bucureşti, INST, 2007, 225 p.
- Intelectuali români în arhivele comunismului (The Romanian Intelligentsia in the Archives of Communism. Studies and Documents), coautor, Editura Nemira, Bucureşti, 2006, 651 p.;
- Instaurarea regimului Ceauşescu. Continuitate şi ruptură în relaţiile româno-sovietice (Continuity and Conflict in Soviet–Romanian Relations. 1965. Documents), coeditor, Bucureşti, INST, IRIR, 2003, 275 p.