Nume: BOGADE Marco
Tema: Cultura şi istoria germanilor din România
Partener: Academia Română, Filiala Cluj, Institutul de Istorie George Bariţiu, Cluj-Napoca – Bundesinstitut für Kultur und Geschichte der Deutschen in östlichen Europa an der Universität Oldenburg, Oldenburg
Proiect: Strategies of patrician representation in medieval Transylvanian towns from 14th to 16th century
Date de contact
Area of interests, scientific and academic activity etc
- medieval art history
- christian iconography
- art and architecture in Bohemia and Transilvania
Strategies of patrician representation in medieval Transylvanian towns from 14th to 16th century
In terms of revealing a social leadership and accordingly visualizing social elites in public space “representation” marks a central impetus in art history in Central Europe as well as in Transylvania. Patrician families established in the Transylvanian towns of Cluj-Napoca (Klausenburg), Bistriţa (Bistritz), Braşov (Bistritz), Sibiu (Hermannstadt), Mediaş (Mediasch), Sighişoara (Schäßburg) and Sebeş (Mühlbach) in Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Times due to numerous royal trade privileges. Their need for representaion rivals among themselves and also competed with the rural nobility and with the sovereign. The project explores donations of artistic work (i.e. paintings, sculptures, arts and crafts, coins, seals, architecture) having been initiated by the patrician class and their interdependence with stilistic and iconograhical traditions of representation and traditions in the use of media. The study expolores the paradigms that became prevalent in Transylvania comparatively having regard to other towns with an influential patriciate such as Nuremberg, Augsburg and Cracow. Parallel phenomena in different social classes (ruling class/ aristocracy, clergy) will be points of reference. The functionality of represenation in the cultural network in Central and Eastern Europe as well as its role as art initiating in Transylvania will be underlined. Finally aspects of cultural exchange and cultural transfer and the interrelation of donator, tradition and innovation and the role of mobile art and artists in a way of cultural transmitters will be focused.
List of main articles/publications
- Kunsttransfer im späten Mittelalter – Die böhmischen Landespatrone Wenzel, Sigismund und Ludmilla und ihre Bildtradition in Süddeutschland, in: Olga Fejtová, Václav Ledvinka, Jiří Pešek (Hg.): Ztracená blízkost. Praha – Norimberk v proměnách staletí [Verlorene Nähe. Prag – Nürnberg im Wandel der Jahrhunderte] (= Dokumenta Pragensia XXIX), Praha 2010, S. 85-121
- Heilige im Kulturnetzwerk der Böhmischen Kronländer im Mittelalter. Vermittlungswege und Ikonographie, in: Berichte und Forschungen. Jahrbuch des Bundesinstituts für Kultur und Geschichte der Deutschen im östlichen Europa 17 (2009), S. 7-38.
- Lemmel, Lämmel, Lemlein – Anmerkungen zur Repräsentation einer fränkischen Patrizierfamilie im späten Mittelalter, in: Zeitschrift für Siebenbürgische Landeskunde 32 (2009), S. 1-4.
- Zur Bildtradition des hl. Wenzeslaus in Litzendorf, in: Heimat Bamberger Land 1 (2009), S. 28-35.
- Der hl. Wenzel als ikonographisches Thema der Goldenen Straße im 14. Jahrhundert, in: Wenzel als zentraler Topos der Erinnerungskultur in den böhmischen Ländern. hg. v. Stefan Sammerski (= GWZO Leipzig, Forschungen zur Geschichte und Kultur des östlichen Mitteleuropa; im Druck)
- Die Porträts Kaiser Karls IV. – eine Einführung, in: Concilium medii aevi 9 (2006), S. 175-191. (http://cma.gbv.de/dr,cma,009,2006,a,09.pdf)
- Kaiser Karl IV. Ikonographie und Ikonologie, Stuttgart 2005