Nume: CULIC Irina
Tema: Migraţie, Identitate şi Cetăţenie
Partener: Institutul pentru Studierea Problemelor Minorităţilor Naţionale, Cluj Napoca
Proiect: Ethnicity and Migration: A Social Historical Account of Romanian Immigration to Canada
Date de contact
Academic interests and bio
Irina Culic is a sociologist whose research interests lie within sociology of the state, citizenship and nationhood, international migration, sociology of the subject, and social epistemologies.
She teaches sociology and anthropology students at “Babes-Bolyai” University in Cluj, and has been doing research on ethnicity and nationhood within the Research Center for Interethnic Relations in Cluj.
She taught at University College London, Central European University, and University of Windsor.
For the past three years she has convened the Cluj Sociology Research Seminar.
Description of the project:
My research program is a social historical investigation of Romanian immigration to Canada, starting from its beginnings at the turn of the twentieth century, to the present date. Its main objective is threefold: to produce a micro-sociology of migration from a historical perspective, based on an ethnographic account of how the specific constellation of social and political factors in both origin and destination countries, at various momentous points, have produced particular patterns of immigration; taking the case of the Romanian immigration to Canada, historically initiated at the meeting point of two nation-building and state-building processes, o resituate immigration studies within larger conceptual mappings, by questioning or rethinking established notions like immigrant integration or assimilation, transnationalism, and mobility itself; to contribute to the understanding of the epistemologically contested yet pivotal notions of state, ethnicity, and subjectivity.
Selected publications:
- Culic, I. 2010. "State of Imagination: Embodiments of Immigration Canada." The Sociological Review, Vol. 58 (3), pp. 343-360.
- Culic, I. 2010. "Autobiography as Ethnography. Doing Fieldwork at Home Away."Studia Sociologia, Vol. 55 (2), pp. 195-206.
- Culic , I. 2009. "Dual Citizenship Policies in Central and Eastern Europe." WP 15, Institute for Research in National Minorities, Government of Romania.
- Culic, I. 2008 “Eluding Exit and Entry Controls: Romanian and Moldovan Immigrants in the European Union.” East European Politics and Societies, Vol. 22 (1), pp. 145-170.
- Culic, I. 2006 “Dilemmas of Belonging: Hungarians from Romania.” Nationalities Papers, Vol. 34 (2), May 2006, pp. 175-200.
- Culic, I. 2006 “From Amateur Revolutionaries to Professional Politicians: The Transformation of the Romanian Political Elite, 1990-2004”, International Journal of Sociology, Vol. 36 (1), pp. 70-93.
- Culic, I. 2005 “Re-writing the History of Romania after the Fall of Communism”,History Compass, Vol. 3, July 2005, pp. 1–21.