Tema: Patrimoniul istoric şi artistic din România – Valori ale patrimoniului cultural european
Partener: Academia Română – Filiala Cluj a Academiei Române, Istitutul de Arheologie şi Istoria Artei – Academia Germană pentru protecţia monumentelor, Görlitz
Proiect: Romanian painting in Alba County until the middle of the nineteenth century. Database
Date de contact
Born in Telciu, Bistrita-Năsăud County, in November 29 1969; graduated the Music Lyceum from Cluj-Napoca (1988) and the History Faculty from the “Babeş-Bolyai” University, Cluj-Napoca (1993).
Her doctor’s degree has been sustained at the “Nicolae Iorga” Institute from Bucharest, under the co-ordination of acad. Paul Cernovodeanu.
She published on her own and in co-ordination 18 volumes and almost 70 studies concerning the history of the Romanian Church, the history of religious book, heraldry and the history of the aristocracy in Transylvania, the history of Romanian religious art and co-ordinated documents editions and collective volumes of studies.
From 1994 she is curator at the National Museum of the Great Union in Alba Iulia.
Romanian painting in Alba County until the middle of the nineteenth century. Database
The project proposes to inventory all the goods of the Romanian ecclesiastical patrimony from Alba County, goods that are datable until the middle of the 19th century and which have been adorned with paintings. This is all about the mobile patrimony (wood and glass icons, royal and deacon doors, tetrapods, banners, candlesticks, crosses with different uses and destinations), as well as the fixed one (mural painting). For each of these goods will be made an index card, which will contain its illustration, references about the author, dating, style, technique, dimensions, present location, bibliography, eventual inscriptions and a commentary. Following the research, the index cards will be arranged by arch parish, locality and the church for which the objects have been initially destined, which will have a historic, made upon the bibliography, the archive documents and the personal observations. At the end, the arrangement will be made in the alphabetical order of the localities of the County.
The project’s aim it is not based just upon the quantity, the accumulation and the preservation of an information treasury highly exposed to destruction. It also concerns the reconstruction of the artists’ directions, of the diffusion of the models, of the stylistic influences, determined by the evolution of the artistic taste and the contacts between painters. Also will be possible the observation of the communities’ capacity of endowment of the worship places, of the changes’ rhythm and, eventually, of the preference for a certain artistic centre. The gathering of all these information will mainly show the mirror of a society which was trying to keep up with the necessities and the changes proposed by its historical evolution.
The project will make possible the study of certain aspects ignored or marginalized until now by the researchers, like the insight and the impact of some iconographic themes and their account with the theological message promoted in the age; the explanations of the glass-icons’ success and of the Western artistic trend in religious painting; the artists’ biographies and their affiliation at the cultural elite of the age, as well as the reflection of the every day reality in the parietal art. But for such aspects of the Romanian society history to be studied, first, there must be returned the specific documents, which, for the moment, lay hidden between the walls of forgotten churches or in collections known only to a limited number of initiates.
Main publications
- Ana Dumitran, Religie ortodoxă – religie reformată. Ipostaze ale identităţii confesionale a românilor din Transilvania în secolele XVI-XVII, prefaţă de Paul Cernovodeanu, Editura Nereamia Napocae, Cluj-Napoca, 2004
- Ana Dumitran, Poarta ceriului, cu un studiu introductiv de preot Jan Nicolae, Editura Altip, Alba Iulia, 2007
- Ana Dumitran, Loránd Mádly, Alexandru Simon, Extincta est lucerna orbis. John Hunyadi and his Time, Editura Academiei Române, 2009
- Ana Dumitran, Alin-Mihai Gherman, Dumitru A. Vanca, Molităvnic, Bălgrad, 1689, Alba Iulia, Editura Reîntregirea, 2009
- Ana Dumitran, Elena-Daniela Cucui, Elena Mihu, Saveta-Florica Pop, Iacov Zugravul, Editura Altip, Alba Iulia, 2010