Nume: GALL Ervin
Tema: Structuri de putere reflectate în cultura materială şi în izvoarele aferente
Partener: Academia Română, Institutul de Arheologie Vasile Pârvan, Bucureşti
Proiect: Food and status on the Lower Danube between the Xth and XIVth Centuries
Date de contact
dumitrascu.valentin@gmail.com; validumitrascu@yahoo.com
Curriculum Vitae
B.A. 2000 (Faculty of History – University of Bucharest). Thesis: The Analysis of the Necropolises from the Xth century in Transylvanian Basin. Supervisor: prof. Radu Harhoiu
Ph.D. 2008 (University of Eötvös Lóránd, PhD School, Budapest). Thesis: The analysis of the 10th and 11th centuries' burial sites in Banat, Crisana and the Transylvanian Basin. Archaeological data to the 10th and 11th centuries' history of Banat, Partium and the Transylvanian Basin. Supervisor: prof. Tivadar Vida.
Professional and field experience
Working places
- 2006–2009: assistant researcher at the “Vasile Pârvan” Institute of Archaeology (Bucharest)
- 2009–Present: senior researcher III at the “Vasile Pârvan” Institute of Archaeology (Bucharest)
Archaeological fieldwork
- 1997–2001, 2006–2008, 2010 Excavations at the Early Medieval Age from Sighişoara (IV-XIIth centuries), Mures County, Romania.
- 2003 Excavations at the Early Medieval Age from Vecsés, Pest County, Hungary
- 2004–2005 Trench supervisor on the excavations from the motorways from Fonyód and Balatonszárszó, County Somogy, Hungary
Food and status on the Lower Danube between the Xth and XIVth Centuries
Beyond subsistence, food relates to cultural identity, and also functions as a divider for economic and social categories, being an indicator of hierarchy and status. Zooarchaeological data from several sites are used to reveal different behaviours related to these issues.
Selection of publications:
- Gáll Erwin–Gergely Balázs, Kolozsvár születése. Régészeti adatok a város kora középkori történetéhez (Clujul în secolele X-XIII. Date arheologice despre istoria din epoca medieval timpurie a „Oraşului de Comoară” − The Birth of Cluj. Historical Data Related to the City’s History from the 10th to the 13th Century). Kolozsvár (Cluj-Napoca), Editura Societăţii Muzeului Ardelean, 2009.
- Erwin Gáll–Balázs Gergely–Szilárd Gál, La Răscruce de drumuri. Date arheologice privind teritoriul oraşului Cluj-Napoca în secolele X–XIII (At the Crossroads. ). Editura Kriterion, Cluj-Napoca, 2010.
- Analysis and comparison of burial customs in the 10-11th century in the Transylvanian basin, Crişana and Banat, Dacia N.S., 48-49, 2004-2005, 334-454
- Az Erdélyi-medence, Partium és Bánság X–XI. század sír- és szórvány fegyverleleteinek elemzése (An Analysis of the Grave and Stray Weapon finds of the Transylvanian Basin, the Partium and the Banat from 10th-11th Centuries), Hadtörténelmi Közlemények, 119, 2007, 2, 395-480.
- The date of the appearance of the S-ended lock-rings in the Transylvanian Basin, Ephemeris Napocensis, XVIII, 2009, 157-175.
- Burial customs and the problem of 10 th century culture groups in the Transylvanian basin, Acta Archaelogica Carpathica, 2010, 277-327.
- Az Erdélyi-medence, a Partium és a Bánság temetőinek lehetséges társadalmi besorolásáról és buktatóiról. Kérdések és feltevések, Hadtörténelmi Közlemények (Bukarest), 122, 2010, 3, 3-43.
Joint author:
- Ervin Gáll–Rădulescu Alexandru, Ein landnahmezeitlichen Gräberfeld in Temesvár(Timişoara)-Csóka erdő (Romania), Acta Archaelogica Academiae Scientarium Hungaricae, 52, 2001, 156–196.
- Erwin Gáll–Balázs Gergely, Necropolele şi descoperirile izolate de la Cluj şi situaţia transilvană în secolul al X-lea (Necropolis and isolated discoveries from Cluj and the Transylvanian Realities of the X Century), Acta Musei Napocensis, 41–44, II, 2004–2007, 9–39.
- Erwin Gáll–Radu Harhoiu–Attila Lakatos, Gräberfelderteile aus Oradea-Salca Gheţărie aus dem 6. und 10. – 12. Jahrhundert, Archaelógiai Értesítő, 134, 2009, 217–259.
- Erwin Gáll–Daniela Tănase, Ein awarenzeitlichen Gräberfeld in Óbesenyő, In: Thesaurus Avarorum. Festschrift für Eva Garam zum 70. Geburtstagt. (under press)
- Erwin Gáll–Szilárd Gál–Vremir Mátyás–Balázs Gergely, Анализ погребения 10 из могилника Клуж - Улица Запойо (Zápolya), Stratum Plus, 7, 2010, under press.