Nume: GORITA Ciprian
Tema: Relaţii, sisteme şi raporturi politice in cadru internaţional: de la George Sofronie la epoca globalizării
Partener: Academia Romană - Filiala Cluj a Academiei Romane, Institutul de Istorie George Bariţiu, Cluj-Napoca
Proiect: Sustenabilitatea conceptului de parteneriat public-privat in Romania in contextul noilor evolutii la nivel international si european
Date de contact
Profile Ciprian GORITA
With an education profile dominated by political science and international relations (the latter with MA and PhDdegrees), and a professional experience ranging from the former Ministry of European Integration to the Ministry of Public Finance in Romania, the current research in the field of Public-Private Partnerships aims to delineate the reality of Romanian infrastructure and to propose new ways for realizing it.
Summary of the research project
The research is focused on the diverse forms of Public-Private Partnerships used at international and European level (i.e., European Union), in terms of in terms of emphasizing common points and differences, not only from a sector applicability point of view, but also from the pursued results’ approach. By shaping the conceptual framework of the Public-Private Partnership and in accordance with current trends, the research aims to propose additional analytical elements to enhance the implementation of the concept in Romania.
Given the effects of the international financial crisis over the states’ budgets and the more stringent needs of energy efficiency, infrastructure and innovation as contributing elements of the economic growth and of the increase in capabilities of state actors in a reconfigured international system, the use of Public-Private Partnership as an alternative financing mechanism of investment projects may represent an optimal solution for state actors in the globalisation era.
From the common and different points between PPP forms met at international level, their regulation at European level and new trends in the field as expressed in the 2008 European Economic Recovery Plan promoted by the European Commission President José Manuel Barroso in 2008, a second level of analysis focuses on the applicability, in Romania, of the European Union legal and statistical regulations in the field, with direct consequences on Romania's excessive deficit reporting (the deficit and public debt reporting). The analysis will also consider specific problems in the implementing process of the contracts of works concession and services concession in Romania, as main elements in the harmonisation of the PPP concept. In addition, the latest financing trends at international level will also be of help. Specific solutions will be proposed for the successful implementation of these infrastructure investment projects.
Articles / books published
a. Books
- 1. "Accession negotiations to the European Union. Case study: Romania", single author, Economic Publishing House Bucharest, 2008
b. Articles / studies
- 1. "Reflections on Accession Negotiations with the European Union", single author, in Euro-Atlantic Studies, Center for EuroAtlantic Studies, Bucharest University, 2005
- 2. "The Sino-American Relations between the Taiwan and WTO Strategic Issues", single author, România de Mâine Publishing House, Bucharest, 2002
- 3. "Recent evolutions in Sino-American Relations. Case of Taiwan", in Political Colloquims, single author, the Romanian University Publishing House, Timişoara, Romania, 2001
- 4. "Romania and the European Integration" (1990-1999), co-author, in European Paradigms, the Central European Academy of Science and Art, Propeller-Verlag, Berlin, 2000