Nume: MARE Codruta
Tema: Relaţii, sisteme şi raporturi politice in cadru internaţional: de la George Sofronie la epoca globalizării
Partener: Academia Romană - Filiala Cluj a Academiei Romane, Institutul de Istorie George Bariţiu, Cluj-Napoca
Proiect: Measures and Decisions of Economic Stability from the Perspective of the European Monetary Union
Date de contact
Profile Codruta MARE
Codruţa MARE, PhD., is a Teaching Assistant at the Department of Statistics-Forecasting-Mathematics, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The PhD. programme was done at the International University Institute for European Studies, Gorizia, Italy, with the final research paper presented in April 2010, entitled SCENARIOS AND PROSPECTIVES REGARDING THE EURO INTRODUCTION ON THE ROMANIAN MARKET.
Currently, she has lectures in Demography and seminars in Economic Forecasting, Demography, Inferential Statistics, Econometrics, Descriptive Statistics, etc. Main interests: macroeconomic forecasting, issues of European integration, especially monetary integration, transborder economic policies, macroeconomic modeling, spatial econometrics, demography and the interdependencies between all these.
Currently, post-doctoral fellow at the Romanian Academy.
Measures and Decisions of Economic Stability from the Perspective of the European Monetary Union
The present project is the natural following of the research that I have conducted throughout my PhD. programme, concentrated on aspects regarding the European Economic and Monetary Union, with emphasis on Romania. Profoundly affected by the international subprime crisis, the Euro Area countries have felt the pressure of not being able to cope with the standards of the EMU. Their problems have, consequently, increased the pressures upon EU members that are going to adopt the common currency in the near future. Taking into account possible legislative changes, the research will use various modelling methods to emphasize problems of monetary convergence in the European Union, including spatial econometrics techniques.
Previous results have revealed a high level of restrictiveness for Romania in order to comply with the convergence criteria and adopt the euro. Bearing in mind the worsening of the economic conditions, on one side, and new Pact for Euro and the Euro – Plus Pact on the other, the continuation of the research is needed. What would be the effects of the new European decisions upon Romania on her way to the common currency? The results and conclusions of this project would have to answer a series of questions related to Romania and the Euro, taking into consideration European dynamics. What is the situation of Romania? What are the possible evolutions of the Romanian society in such a complex environment as the EU and in relation to the participation to the Euro – Plus Pact?
The approach will be a progressive one, from simple descriptive analysis, to time and spatial modelling.
- 1. MARE, Codruţa, MARCU, Sorina (2010), "Inflation Rate Convergence to the Euro Area", in "Virgil Madgearu Review of Economic Studies and Research", vol. 1/2010, p. 88-102.
- 2. MARE, Codruţa (2010), "The Euro Introduction in Romania – a Short Prospective Analysis", in the volume "ROMÂNIA ŞI UNIUNEA EUROPEANĂ POST-TRATATUL DE LA LISABONA", editors Vasile Puşcaş, Marcela Sălăgean, EIKON Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2010, p. 251 – 263
- 3. BUIGA, Anuţa, MARE, Codruţa (2010), "How did demographic and economic aspects influence the grouping of the NUTS II regions?", in the volume "RELAŢIA RURAL-URBAN : Ipostaze ale tradiţiei şi modernizării", coordinators: Iosif Marin Balog, Rudolf Graf, Ioan Lumperdean, Presa Universitară Clujeană, Cluj-Napoca, 2010, p. 589-621
- 4. ACHIM, Monica, PINTEA, Mirela-Oana, MARE, Codruţa, BORLEA, Nicolae Sorin (2010),"Correlation Between Capital Market Development and Economic Growt in the Context of Financial Crisis in Romania", in "Journal of International Finance and Economics", IABE, ISSN: 1555-6336, p. 25-31, January
- 5. MARE, Codruţa (2008), "Factoring - a financing form for the SMEs", in "IUIES Journal", vol. 1/2008, p. 161-179, Gorizia, Italy