Nume: MARIN Serban
Tema: Creştinatate şi Islam
Partener: Institutul de Istorie Nicolae Iorga
Proiect: The Venetian Republic and Islam – between Crusading Fervor and Realpolitik (9th-13th centuries)
Date de contact
serbmarin@gmail.com, serban.marin@mai.gov.ro
Curriculum Vitae
Present Working Place
Employer - National Archives of Romania, Bd. Elisabeta nr. 49, Bucharest, Romania, Office of Documentation, Publications and Scientific Activities
- since January 2008 - Head of Department - co-ordination of the activities in the fields of publications, documentary exhibitions, reading rooms, libraries;
- since September 2009 - co-ordination of the official site of the National Archives (www.arhivelenationale.ro);
- since July 2007 - editor-in-chief of "Revista Arhivelor. Archives Review"
Relevant Education and Training
- 2001-2009
Central European University, Nádor u. 9, 1051, Budapest, Hungary
PhD in History (summa cum laude distinction) - World Medieval History; thesis title: "Cronistica veneţiană şi mitologia politică a Cetăţii din lagune în evul mediu. Mitul originilor [The Venetian Chronicles and the Political Mythology of the City in the Lagoons in the Middle Ages. The Myth of the Origins]" - 1997-1998
Central European University, Nádor u. 9, 1051, Budapest, Hungary
MA in South-Est European Studies - Southeast European Studies; thesis title: "Pope Innocent III and the Fourth Crusade"
Personal Skills and Competences
- english - italian - french
- team work - mediating skills - intercultural skills
- graduated the lectures of Organisational Management (Institute of Studies for Public Order, April 2010)
- member of several commissions that have worked out for various procedures regulating the activities in the National Archives of Romania (since January 2008)
- member of the working team that worked out for the project of the new Law of Archives (July 2007-January 2009)
- main organizer of the activities in the National Archives of Romania in the field of publications, symposia, round tables, documentary exhibitions, reading rooms, libraries, the official site of the institution, and so on (since January 2008)
- co-ordinator of the editorial activities to various specialized periodicals ("Annuario. Istituto Romeno di Cultura e Ricerca Umanistica" – 2000-2003, "Quaderni della Casa Romena" – 2000-2002, "Revista Arhivelor. Archives Review" – since 2007)
- competent with most Microsoft computer programs
- participation to the setting up of the official site of the National Archives of Romania
- co-ordination of the central library database of the National Archives of Romania (2006-2008)
- setting up of the publications of Istituto Romeno di cultura e ricerca umanistica in Venice
- personal webpages
Additional Information
- Teaching experience
2001- 2005 University of Bucharest, Faculty of History, Bd. Carol I nr. 13, Bucharest, Romania lecturer, assistant professor lectures referring to the Italian Renaissance and the Enlightenment in the Italian area, seminaries of World Medieval History - Study grants
September 1997-June1998 Open Society Foundation History of the South-Eastern Europe (Byzantine period) Budapest, Hungary (Central European University) - Research grants
January 1999-August 2000 "Nicolae Iorga" Government of Romania-National Office for Grants Abroad Venetian Relationship to the Levant (Byzantine period) Venice, Italy (Istituto Romeno di Cultura e Ricerca Umanistica) - Research activity
libraries and archives in Romania, Hungary, Italy - Conferences
participated with various papers on topics related to Venetian history, and historiography, history of crusades (especially, the Fourth Crusade), Romanian-Venetian relationship, Romanian medieval history, anthropology and folklore, and so on, to around 20 congresses and conferences taking place in Romania, Italy, Turkey, Hungary, Poland, Austria, Germany) - Affiliation to scientific organisations
- founding member of Romanian-Italian Centre for Historical Studies (CeRISS) (since April 2009)
- member in the scientific committee of "I marchesi di Monferrato" cultural circle, Casale Monferrato, Italy (since January 2006)
- member of Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East, Haifa, Israel (August 2004-August 2005)
- member of Istituto Romeno di cultura e ricerca umanistica, Venice, Italy (since August 2000)
- chairman of "Erasmus" Society for Historical Sciences = ISHA Bucharest (1995-1996) - Other scientific activities, disctinctions, mentions, etc.
- mentioned in Directory of Scholars of News on the Rialto. Newsletter for Venetian Studies, 26, 2007, p. 41, Venice, Italy
- mentioned in Bibliografia istorică a României, X: 1999-2004, Bucharest, 2005, p. 12 (no 355), 15 (no 419), 36 (no 1037), 303 (no 9287), 671 (no 20128), 929 (nos 27885-27894), 1126 (addenda, no 301-302)
- mentioned among Crusades Historians online www.crusades-encyclopedia.com, in Crusades-Encyclopedia (ed. Andrew Holt) online www.crusades-encyclopedia.com, aprilie 2005 - Civic activities
Peace Corp; lectures referring to Romanian history and political life (July-August 1997)
The Venetian Republic and Islam – between Crusading Fervor and Realpolitik (9th-13th centuries)
The project focuses upon a constituent part of the Christian world in relation with Islam, that is Venice, an active participant in what is known under the established and official denomination of ‘classical crusades’.
The starting point of the project is represented by the Venetian chronicles, without neglecting the other sources of the first crusades that mention Venetian participation more or less sporadically. The project’s author is familiar with this kind of historiography, as a consequence of the two years spent in Venice, for the most part at the Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, but also in other libraries and archives.
To sum up this project, the intention is to emphasize the manner of representation provided by the Venetian chronicles with regard to the main crusading events in which Venice was involved more or less actively.
The project also intends to survey some of the events precursory to the crusading phenomenon in its established sense, that is the episodes marked by confrontations with the ‘Saracens’ in the previous centuries (beginning with the 9th century). This will be followed by a study of the Venetian viewpoint on how the ‘Infidels’ were reflected during the First Crusade, the ‘Venetian crusade’ in 1122-1126, and the first moments of the Fourth Crusade, when, contrary to the prejudices of some modern historical writing, the Venetian participants had no idea that a casual ‘deviation’ would take place either to Zara or to Constantinople and were certainly convinced that the ‘pagans’ in Egypt were to be the opponents.
Generally speaking, the project intends to focus upon the analysis used by the Venetian chronicles in various centuries, and the accent is put on the manner of representation of the ‘infidels’. Synthesizing, the project will analyze the subsequent aspects:
- Venetian participation in the crusading phenomenon;
- methodological features in Venice;
- the representation of the ‘allies/quasi-allies’;
- the representation of the ‘enemy’;
- considerations on the relation between crusading fervor and Realpolitik in Venice, in connection with the Muslim ‘enemy’.
With regard to the bibliography, we reiterate the preponderant utilization of the Venetian chronicles as primary sources , in order to illustrate the representation of the Islamic world. These chronicles, although written over a period of no less than seven centuries, nevertheless preserve in time many of the same features.
Grosso modo, we consider that the position of the Venetian Republic regarding the crusading phenomenon is to be described in the manner of the representation of Islam advanced by the entire Christian world, but it reveals typical and well determined shades. The originality with which the Venetian chroniclers represented Islam has convinced us about the necessity of this project.
Publications list
Author of more than 30 studies and articles on specific topics (Venetian history and historiography, Venetian-Byzantine and Venetian-Romanian relationship, "classical" crusades, and so on) in Romanian, English and Italian, in various reviews and collections of studies published in Romania ("Revista Istorică", "Studii şi Materiale de Istorie Medie", "Analele Universităţii Bucureşti. Istorie", "Historical Yearbook", "Revista Arhivelor", "Archiva Moldaviae", "Medieval and Early Modern Studies for Central and Eastern Europe") and abroad ("Annuario", "Quaderni della Casa Romena", "European Review of History", "Il Mar Nero")
Books Published
- Studii veneţiene [Venetian Studies], I: Veneţia, Bizanţul şi spaţiul românesc [Venice, Byzantium, and the Romanian Space], Bucharest: Editura Academiei Române, 2008, 331 pages
- (ed. of) Giovanni Giacomo CAROLDO, Istorii veneţiene [Venetian Stories], I-III, Bucharest: Arhivele Naţionale ale României, 2008-2010
Recent Articles Published
- "Historical Yearbook" 7 (2010), p. 177-194: Some Considerations regarding the Anonymous Venetiarum Historia (14th Century);
- Medieval and Early Modern Studies for Central and Eastern Europe” 2 (2010), p. 71-121: A Chanson de Geste in the 13th Century Venice: the Chronicle Written by Martino da Canal;
- Studii şi Materiale de Istorie Medie”, 28 (2010), p. 169-191: Consideraţii asupra cronicii veneţianului Antonio Morosini [Considerations regarding the Venetian Antonio Morosini’s Chronicle];
- Archiva Moldaviae” 1 (2009), p. 79-91: Însemnări din jurnalul veneţianului Marino Sanudo referitoare la ultimii ani de domnie ai lui Ştefan cel Mare. Ambasadele Moldovei la Veneţia [Notes from Marino Sanudo’s Venetian Diary regarding the last ruling Years of Stephen the Great. The Moldavian Embassies to Venice];
- Revue Roumaine d’Histoire” 46 (2007), 1-4, p. 41-68: A 16th Century Venetian Chronicle in France Microfilm Collection of the National Archives of Romania. The Case of Giovanni Giacopo Caroldo and His Compilers.