Nume: MATEI Popescu Florian
Tema: Structuri de putere reflectate în cultura materială şi în izvoarele aferente
Partener: Academia Română, Institutul de Arheologie Vasile Pârvan, Bucureşti
Proiect: Impactul armatei romane asupra vietii urbane in provinciile de la Dunarea de Jos (Moesia si Dacia)
Date de contact
I was born in Bucharest on the 19th of September 1977. I have been living in Bucharest ever since. Here I graduated the primary and secondary school and also the high school. Thereafter, I graduated the Faculty of History from the Bucharest University (2001 – Ancient History and Archaeology – final paper title: „The Political Relations between Rome and Western Pontic Greek Cities from Augustus to Vespasian”, supervisor Prof. Al. Avram). My master (2001-2002 – Ancient History and Archaeology – final paper title: „The Roman Auxiliary Units from Moesia Inferior”, supervisor Prof. C. C. Petolescu) and doctoral studies were carried out at the same University (2002-2009 – Ancient History and Archaeology – Thesis title: „The Roman Army in Moesia Inferior”, promoted summa cum laude, supervisor Prof. C. C. Petolescu). I began working with the „Vasile Pârvan” Institute of Archaeology in 2002, where I am now in the position of the Head of the Greek and Roman Archaeology and Epigraphy Departament. My main research themes are in the field of Greek and Latin Epigraphy, Roman Army Studies and the History and the Archaeology of the Danubian provinces of the Roman Empire.
Project Abstract
In the last two decades, the impact of the Roman army on the social, political and economic the development of the various provinces of the Roman Empire became one of the most interesting research paths. As it was emphasized, for many inhabitants of the Roman Empire the Roman army was the most concrete representation of the imperial power. If we acknowledge the Roman army as the most visible representation of the imperial power, we should also acknowledge that the Roman town was the most visible cultural artefacts of the Roman civilization. One of its main characteristics is that the Roman urban way of life moved from its Mediterranean core to the periphery. In that process, mainly in the western provinces, the Roman army was one of the most important vehicles. The Roman state favoured the building of the new cities as colonies to house the retired veterans, seen as examples for the local population and strongholds of loyalty in the newly conquered provinces. Whereas the colonies were the result of the direct involvement of the Roman government, the municipia were the natural development of the native settlements (civitates) or of the settlements in the nearby of the Roman legionary fortresses (canabae) or auxiliary forts (the so called vici militares). The study of this impact in the Lower Danube provinces of the Roman Empire will be the main objective of my project.
- Trupele auxiliare romane din Moesia Inferior, Studii şi Cercetări de Istorie Veche şi Arheologie 52-53, 2001-2002 (2004), p. 173-242.
- The Auxiliary Units from Moesia Superior in Domitian’s Time and the Problem of CIL XVI 41, Ephemeris Napocensis 16-17, 2006-2007, p. 31-48.
- Imaginea Daciei romane în istoriografia românească (1945-1960), Studii şi Cercetări de Istorie Veche şi Arheologie 58, 2007, 3-4, p. 265-288.
- Soldats d’origine dace dans les diplômes militaires, Chiron 39, 2009, p. 209-256 (together with Dan Dana).
- The Roman Army in Moesia Inferior, The Centre for Roman Military Studies 7, Bucharest, 2010.