Nume: NICULICA Bogdan Petru
Tema: Comunităţi umane şi creaţia lor materială şi spirituală în preistoria şi protoistoria spaţiului carpato-nistrean
Partener: Academia Română, Filiala Iaşi, Institutul de Arheologie, Iaşi
Proiect: BRONZE DEPOSITS BETWEEN THE CARPATHIANS AND DNIESTER RIVER Origins, composition, social practices, cultural identity
Date de contact: niculicab@yahoo.com
Work experience: Archaeologist S IA
Name and address of employer: The Museum of Bucovina, Stefan cel Mare 33 Street, Suceava
- Expert archaeologist, certificate no. 145-E from 14.06.2010
- Movable cultural heritage expert, certificate no. 614 from 27.02.2008
- Ph.D. in historical sciences, Prehistorical archaeology, The University “Al. I. Cuza” Iasi, 2006
- Member of different archaeological collectives in the country
- Coordinator of several archaeological sites in Suceava County
- Editorial Secretary of Suceava magazine, the Directory of The Museum of Bucovina Suceava (2007-present)
- Coordinator of several national and local exhibitions
BRONZE DEPOSITS BETWEEN THE CARPATHIANS AND DNIESTER RIVER Origins, composition, social practices, cultural identity
The project has a degree of novelty, he involves a special interest in the geo-historical space of Bucovina; the interdisciplinary analysis of the bronze deposits is quiet inedited, it hasn’t been approached yet. If we are to consider the very few studies on bronze deposits, which do not unify/synthesize the Polish, Ukranian, Hungarian and Romanian literatures regarding the area upon which we cast our view in this project, one could easily distinguish the importance of our work. This project resides in the accomplishment of a complex scientific synthesis, dedicated to a historical-geographical area (Bucovina) which was marked by intense demographical and cultural flows even from ancient times, nevertheless, subordinate to the area between Carpathians and Dniester river. Actually, there is no international or national scientific manifestation to refer with a unitary, synthesis look to the bronze findings in Bucovina. It is this aspect that we want to promote and exploit to its maximum from the scientific point of view.
We focus on: 1) the subject’s historiographical unification, beginning with the elucidation of the German language literature from 19th century Bucovina, when the first bronze deposits are signaled. 2) establishing a repertoire of discoveries, according to a scientific algorithm, is one of the priorities. 3) the mapping of all bronze discoveries, in relation with the fortified and unfortified settlements (ex. Grăniceşti, Siret, Voloca, Oprişeni etc.). 4) the synthesizing of our observations is based on interdisciplinary research: spectral and metallographic analysis, GIS, SRTM maps. We give special attention to the social meaning and interpretation of the bronze deposits, from the recent literature perspective, and in this respect we find the comparison necropolises-deposits very helpful. The concepts of prospector-craftsman-symbol and social-power-leadership-solar-aquatic will be discussed in a distinct chapter in which we aim at judging and evaluating the notions of acculturation, import, cultural identity.
Listă de publicaţii selectiva
Books and edited books:
- Bogdan Petru Niculică, From the history of archaeological researches in Bucovina. The romanian archaeological association, Suceava University Press, 2009, 206 p. ISBN: 978-973-666-305-5
- Bogdan Petru Niculică, Thracian Treasures, Suceava, Accent Print Press, 2007, 56 pag. ISBN: 978-973-1772-10-3 (bilingual edition)
- Dionisie Olinescu. Historical Writings. I. Coordinated edition and introductory study by Bogdan Petru Niculică, Suceava, 2010, 180 pag. ISBN: 978-973-0-07858-9 (occasional ISBN, without Press)
Studies (selective):
- Bogdan Petru Niculică, Sorin Ignătescu şi Dumitru Boghian, Recunoaşteri arheologice în Podişul Sucevei (I), în Codrul Cosminului, SN, nr. 5 (15)/1999, p. 39-60.
- Bogdan Petru Niculică, Observations concernant le début de l'Âge du Bronze sur le territoire du département de Suceava, în Codrul Cosminului, SN, 13 (23)/2007, p. 13-47.
- Bogdan Petru Niculică, Vasile Budui, Câteva observaţii privind analizele pedologice din tumulul nr. 2, aparţinând culturii Komariv, de la Adâncata – „Imaş”, jud. Suceava, în ArhMold., XXVIII, 2005, p. 303-311.
- Bogdan Petru Niculică, Noi date despre sceptrele cruciforme eneolitice descoperite pe teritoriul Moldovei, în ArhMold., XXXI, 2008 (2009), p. 23-42.
- Bogdan Petru Niculică, Les premiers tumuli de la Bucovine. Les recherches de la fin du XIXe siècle et le début du XXe siècle de la zone Horodnic de Jos (dép. de Suceava), în SAA, XVI, 2010, p. 71-92.
- Bogdan Petru Niculică, Ilie Cojocaru, Quelques considérations sur deux haches en cuivre appartenant à l’Âge du Bronze, découvertes dans le nord de la Moldavie, în SAA, IX, 2003, p. 141-154.
- Bogdan Petru Niculică, Les premiers tumuli de la Bucovine. Les recherches de la fin du XIXe siècle et le début du XXe siècle de la zone Horodnic de Jos (dép. de Suceava), în SAA, XVI, 2010, p. 71-92.
- Ion Mareş, Attila László, Bogdan Petru Niculică, Mircea Ignat, La plastique zoomorphe et anthropomorfe de l'habitat hallstattien ancien de Siret (dép. de Suceava), în SAA, XIII-XIV, (2007-2008), 2008, p. 81-112.
- Bogdan Petru Niculică, Considérations sur la période moyenne de l'Âge du Bronze dans le Plateau de Suceava. Le complexe culturel Komarów – Costişa – Biały-Potik, în SAA, X-XI, 2005, p. 61-68.
- Bogdan Petru Niculică, Karl Adolf Romstorfer, un pionnier de la recherche des dépôts de Bronzes de la Bucovine, în vol. Signa Praehistorica. Studia in honorem magistri Attila László septuagesimo anno. Ediderunt Neculai Bolohan, Florica Măţău et Felix Adrian Tencariu, Iaşi, 2010, p. 321-340.