Nume: PICKER Giovanni
Tema: Migraţie, Identitate şi Cetăţenie
Partener: Institutul pentru Studierea Problemelor Minorităţilor Naţionale, Cluj Napoca
Proiect: Romani Europeans between Stigma and Citizenship Rights. A Transnational Comparative Ethnography
Date de contact
Giovanni received his Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Milan-Bicocca (2009), with a dissertation comparatively focusing on stigmatization and social marginality of Romani groupings in three urban contexts in Italy and Romania. He is currently working at ISPMN on a comparative ethnographic research on housing policy processes involving Roma in four European localities. He is also guest lecturer in Political Sociology of Europe, MA programme in Social Anthropology, University of Milan-Bicocca, teaching the yearly seminar "Embodied Nationalisms. Ethnography and Nation Building". Giovanni carried out extensive fieldwork in Italy and Romania on nationalism; ethnic conflicts; migration; urbanization; Roma mobilization; social policy. Giovanni also provides consultancy on a regular basis to research and government institutions on the social conditions of Roma communities in a comparative transnational perspective. His research interests include ethnicity; citizenship; neo-nationalism in local, national and supranational contexts; comparative social marginality, racialization and social exclusion; social policies and anthropology of policy; social history of Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans; multiculturalism; ethnic mobilization, and ethnographic comparison.
Recent publications:
- Picker, G. 2012 forthcoming. ‘Welcome “in”. Romani migrants and Left-wing Tuscany (1988-2007)’, Journal of Modern Italian Studies (accepted for publication in Issue n. 1).
- Picker, G. 2011 forthcoming. ‘Italian authorities vis-à-vis Roma and Sinti. What is going on and what can be done?’, Modern Italy (accepted for publication in Volume n. 18).
- Picker, G. 2011 forthcoming. ‘Inclusione, esclusione, enclusione. Per un’etnografia della governance di rom migranti in Italia’, in M. Zago and S. Baldini, Mosaico rom. Milan: Franco Angeli (accepted for publication).
- Picker, G. 2011 in press. ‘Eredità emarginate. Immaginazione politica e segregazione dei Rom a Firenze (1988-2007)’, in T. Vitale and L. Boschetti (eds) Processi di categorizzazione ed effetti di segregazione. I Rom fra politica, politiche e potere dei luoghi. Milan: Raffaello Cortina.
- Picker, G. 2011 in press. 'Neo-nationalism in Europe and the Left. The case of Romani migrants in Italy'. In M. Stewart and A. Mirga (eds), Extremism and the Roma and Sinti in Europe. Challenges, Risks and Responses. London: Hurst (accepted for publication).