Nume: PLOSCARU Cristan
Tema: Discurs literar-artistic şi construcţie identitară în secolele XVI-XX
Partener: Academia Română, Filiala Iaşi Institutul de Istorie A.D. Xenopol, Iaşi
Proiect: Language and representations of identity in the narrative sources from Moldavia at the beginning of the XIX-th century
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Language and representations of identity in the narrative sources from Moldavia at the beginning of the XIX-th century
In a book entitled Language and symbolic power, Pierre Bourdieu defined the relationship between identity, language and representation the fact that identity is the subject of mental representations, as acts of perception and appreciation, knowledge and recognition of people, expressed through a language that reflect their interests and assumptions. Understanding national identity in this manner, an interdisciplinary research must relate to the representation as part of historical reality, not as a deformation reality, furthermore, to examine the confrontation between representations, as mental images conveyed by various social actors, trying thereby to justify a position of power in society and state. In this conceptual horizon our paper is placed, which aims to examine in the context how social and political actors from the Romanian Principalities elite built their legitimacy of competing in the competition for power by appealing to a language full of representations of national identity as it can be found in the writings of age (chronicles, memoirs, political texts, letters, literature etc.). We will also analyze the metamorphosis suffered by a few words with great symbolic charge (country, nation, native, community, society, virtue, etc.) in the discourses of the romanian nobility in the first half of the nineteenth century.