Nume: SCHIPOR Bogdan
Tema: Discurs literar-artistic şi construcţie identitară în secolele XVI-XX
Partener: Academia Română, Filiala Iaşi Institutul de Istorie A.D. Xenopol, Iaşi
Proiect: Identity Searches. The Repatriation of the Germans from the Romanian Territories in 1940
Date de contact:
Bogdan-Alexandru Schipor, PhD. Senior Researcher in contemporary history in Iasi, at the “A.D.Xenopol” History Institute of the Romanian Academy. Born on 23 February 1977 in Suceava. Bachelor's degree at “Al.I. Cuza” University of Iasi, graduated in 1999. In-Depth (Advanced) Studies (master's degree) in International Relations at the same university, graduated in 2000. Ph.D in history of the “Al.I. Cuza” University of Iasi in 2007 with the dissertation The Great Britain Foreign Policy at the Soviet Union’s Western Border, 1938-1941.
Research areas: International relations in interwar Europe with a focus on the policy of the great powers towards the countries of Eastern Europe and the history of the Romanian foreign policy during the interwar period and the Second World War. Participant in several research projects organized and financed by the Romanian Academy or by the Romanian Ministry of Education.
Identity Searches. The Repatriation of the Germans from the Romanian Territories in 1940
Beyond aspects strictly related to political or territorial issues, the Soviet-German non-aggression pact signed on August 23, 1939 generated important demographic mutations in Eastern Europe, hard to foresee prior to the outbreak of the war. After the delineation of the spheres of influence and the new possessions of Germany and Soviet Union, Berlin tried to determine the German ethnics in Eastern Europe, including from territories obtained by the Soviet Union, to choose to return to Germany, considered the true homeland. This decision was the basis for an ample program for the repatriation of the German ethnics from the Baltic States or Romania. In the particular case of Romania, which we have in view, the program was developed in 1940, but we must take into consideration a few distinct elements. The German authorities asked Moscow on this occasion to solve the problem of the almost 100.000 German ethnics who lived in the region between Prut and Dnester. Berlin was intrigued by the fact that the Soviet ultimatum addressed to Romania referred equally to Bukovina and the Herta area, territories on which also lived many people of German origin. Their issue could be solved directly with the Soviets, but the Reich’s leaders also took into account the repatriation of the Germans from Romania. But, obviously, we never lose sight of the fact that the repatriation of the Germans from Bukovina, Bessarabia or Dobrudja represented only a part of a much larger process which cannot be fully understood if we do not compare it, for example, to similar phenomena in the Baltic countries. The repatriation of the German ethnics from Latvia, Estonia or Lithuania can emphasize both similarities and distinctions which, together, can form a more accurate image on an uprooted ethnic group seeking a new identity in the old homeland, animated by promises, hopes and dreams of a better life.
Major Publications include:
- Politica Marii Britanii la frontiera de vest a Uniunii Sovietice, 1938-1941 (The Great Britain Foreign Policy at the Soviet Union’s Western Border, 1938-1941), Iasi, Junimea, 2007; Ioan Ciupercă, Bogdan-Alexandru Schipor, Dan Constantin Mâţă (coord.)
- România şi sistemele de securitate în Europa, 1919-1975 (Romania and the Security Systems in Europe, 1919-1975), Iaşi, Editura Universităţii „Al. I. Cuza”, 2009.