Nume: SIMON Zsolt
Tema: Cultura şi istoria germanilor din România
Partener: Academia Română, Filiala Cluj, Institutul de Istorie George Bariţiu, Cluj-Napoca – Bundesinstitut für Kultur und Geschichte der Deutschen in östlichen Europa an der Universität Oldenburg, Oldenburg
Proiect: Finantele oraselor sasesti din Transilvania in Evul Mediu tarziu
Date de contact
Scurta prezentare a profilului
MA, "Babeş-Bolyai" University of Cluj-Napoca, Medieval Studies programme (1998) and Central European University of Budapest, Medieval Studies programme (2006), PhD, "Eötvös Loránd" University of Budapest, Medieval Studies programme (2007, with a thesis “The commercial relations between Hungary and the Ottoman Empire at the beginning of the 16th century. The trade of the thirtieths of Barics and Kölpény”; supervisor: Academician András Kubinyi).
Work place:
Senior researcher III, “Gheorghe Şincai” Research Institute of Human Sciences of the Romanian Academy of Sciences, Târgu Mureş
Research interests:
Medieval and premodern history of Transylvania, first of all economic and urban history of Transylvania (financial administration, trade, mining), in a lesser extent medieval and modern cultural history of Transylvania (university attendance, book printing), and local history (different aspects of the history of Târgu Mures/Marosvásárhely/Neumarkt am Mieresch).
Project description
In my planned research I would like to analyze the finances of Transylvanian Saxon towns in the Middle Ages (until 1526). Concretely, I would like to analyse the finances of Sibiu/in German: Hermannstadt, Sighişoara/Schäßburg, Mediaş/Mediasch, and Cluj-Napoca/Klausenburg. Although the latter town was not part of a Saxon administrativ unit, it still had a very important German community. Note that although I label these towns as „Saxons”, in most of them also lived non-German inhabitants, especially Romanians and Hungarians.
The circle of the towns was determined by the available sources: Together with Braşov/Kronstadt and Bistriţa/Bistritz (of which households was and will be, respectively, reserched), only the medieval accounts of these Transylvanian towns have been preserved and not analyzed until now. On the other part, however, this selection also has a solid scientific base, as these settlements were the most important medieval Transylvanian towns.
My research will be based on archival sources, partially unpublished: first of all on the urban accounts, and furthermore on the charters and letters preserved in the town archives. My main research questions are: What were the budget structure and the financial system of the medieval Transylvanian Saxon towns? How and why did this structure change in time? How and why did these towns acquire their incomes? How and why did they spend them? How and why did the incomes and the expenses change in time? What were the similarities and the differences between the finances of these towns and the finances of the European towns, and why?
Titlurile principalelor articole/lucrari publicate
- A baricsi és kölpényi harmincadok a 16. század elején, (The thirtieth [external trade] customs of Barics and Kupinovo at the beginning of the 16th century). Századok (Budapest) 140 (2006): 815-882.
- Az első szebeni nyomtatványok 1525-ből, (The first prints of Sibiu from 1525). Magyar Könyvszemle (Budapest) 125 (2009): 1-29.
- Brassó kereskedelmi elitje az 1503. évi huszadnapló alapján, (The commercial elite of Braşov according to the twentienth account of 1503). Urbs. Magyar Várostörténeti Évkönyv (Urbs. Hungarian Yearbook of Urban History, Budapest) 3 (2008): 387-408.
- Die finanziellen Verpflichtungen der Siebenbürger Sachsen zwischen den Herrschaften von Sigismund von Luxemburg und Matthias Corvinus (1438-1458)., In: Extincta est lucerna orbis. John Hunyadi and his Time. Eds. Ana Dumitran, Loránd Mádly and Alexandru Simon. Cluj-Napoca, 2009. (Mélanges d'Histoire Générale. Nouvelle Série I. 2.): 255-271.
- The trade of Hungary with Wallachia and Moldavia during the reign of Matthias Corvinus, In: Matthias and his legacy. Cultural and political encounters between East and West. Eds. Bárány Attila and Györkös Attila. Debrecen, 2009. (Speculum Historiae Debreceniense. A Debreceni Egyetem Történelmi Intézete Kiadványai 1): 243-261.
- A zágrábi pénzverde 1525. évi számadása. Adatok az 1521. évi pénzreform történetéhez, (The accounts of the mint of Zagreb from 1525. Data concerning the monetary reform of 1521.). Századok 144 (2010): 433-464.