Nume: Ana-Stanca Tabarasi-Hoffmann
Tema: Religii, istorie şi societate în Europa şi Asia
Partener: Academia Română, Institutul de Istorie a Religiilor, Bucureşti
Proiect: The “Strengthening in the inner Being” in Søren Kierkegaard’s “Upbuilding Discourses” (1843-1844)
Date de contact:
Dr. Dr. Ana-Stanca Tabarasi-Hoffmann is a lecturer at the German Institute of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. Her areas of expertise include 19th century philosophy of religion; European philosophy, aesthetics and literature of the Enlightenment and Romanticism; the history of the critique of Romanticism; the cultural and intellectual history of landscape perception; German-Romanian cultural transfer in the 18th and 19th centuries. She has authored four books and numerous articles (on S. Kierkegaard, Franz von Baader, J.W. Goethe, Joseph von Eichendorff, A.W. Schlegel, W.H. Wackenroder, H.C. Andersen, Jens Baggesen, Th. W. Lessing, Titu Maiorescu, German moral weeklies, the critique of Romanticism, the intellectual history of gardening, the cultural history of nature etc). She is also a co-editor of the ”Nature, Science and the Arts” series at the Peter Lang Publishing House and the editor and translator of the Romanian critical edition of S. Kierkegaards works, at the Humanitas Publishing House. She has been awarded grants and scholarships of the DAAD (for research stays at Freie Universität Berlin and Mainz University), of the Fritz Wiedemann Foundation (for research at Herzog August Library Wolfenbüttel) and of the Thyssen Foundation (for research at the Research Library Gotha). She has also been a post-doc fellow of the New Europe College, a Hertie research fellow at the University of Bamberg, a junior fellow of the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald and a fellow of The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
Descarca Curriculum Vitae Ana-Stanca Tabarasi-HoffmannThe “Strengthening in the inner Being” in Søren Kierkegaard’s “Upbuilding Discourses” (1843-1844)
The “strengthening in the inner being”, is a metaphor originating in Plato, Philo and the Apostle Paul and used by S. Kierkegaard throughout his eighteen Upbuilding Discourses from 1843 and 1844. My goal is to define the kierkegaardian meaning of this metaphor, as well as the conditions for the strengthening, and to put this metaphor into context by relating it to its traditional / historical use, to the modern / Romantic definitions of inwardness, to the concept of the upbuilding and to Kierkegaard’s theological anthropology. I am also attempting to differentiate it from Kierkegaard’s use of this concept in his pseudonymous works, as well as to his later polemical use of the categories of the inner and outer in an anti-hegelian context, with reference to Hegel’s Science of Logics and to Johan Ludvig Heiberg’s dialectical discussion of the inner and the outer.
„Întărirea omului dinăuntru” în „Discursurile edificatoare” (1843-1844) de Søren Kierkegaard
„Întărirea omului dinăuntru” e o metaforă de sorginte platoniciană, filoniană și paulinică folosită de S. Kierkegaard în mod repetat în „Discursurile edificatoare” din 1843 si 1844. Proiectul de fată urmăreste definirea sensului kierkegaardian al acestei metafore si analiza conditiilor „întăririi omului dinăuntru”, comparându-le cu folosirea traditională / istorică a metaforei si cu cu definitiile moderne / romantice ale interioritătii. Pune, de asemenea, metafora omului interior în contextul antropologiei teologice a lui Kierkegaard si al conceptiei sale despre edificare, stabilind diferentele fată de folosirea ei în operele sale pseudonime și de folosirea categoriilor „interior” si „exterior” în mod polemic, în context anti-hegelian, cu trimitere la stiinta logicii a lui Hegel si la tematizarea dialectică a interiorului si exteriorului de către Johan Ludvig Heiberg.