Nume: TIPLIC Marian
Tema: Elitele transilvane şi patronii lor: strategii sociale, opţiuni politice şi structuri comunitare (secolele XIII-XX)
Partener: Academia Română, Filiala Cluj, Institutul de Istorie George Bariţiu – Centrul de Studii Transilvane, Cluj-Napoca
Proiect: Politic and Military Elites in Southern Transylvania
Date de contact:
Personal Profile
Ioan Marian Tiplic is PhD of "Lucian Blaga" University from Sibiu since 2003 with a thesis about medieval fortifications in Transylvania and from 2005 is the Director of Ancient and Medieval History Department at the same University. He published several books and articles about Medieval Archaeology and History, Early Medieval fortifications and cemeteries from Transylvania and he coordinates archaeological research in south Transylvania in sites like Orăstie/Hunedoara County, Cenade/Alba County, Cașolț/Sibiu County, Păuca/Sibiu County.
In 2009 he was awarded by Romanian Academy of Science with Nicolae Iorga Prize given for the book Grenzverteidigung Siebenbürgens im Mittelalter (10.-14. Jahrhundert).
Politic and Military Elites in Southern Transylvania
The project aims to come up with new interpretations on the role of autonomous regions in the eastern and southeastern border of the Hungarian kingdom (Arpad’s kingdom) during the 13th century, in particular on the role of the Romanian and German autonomous regions.
In the last 40 years the specialized literature with strict reference to elites in Transylvania has became much more comprehensive as a result of publication of new works of documents. However attractive the political history and the related subjects and of course implicitly the political elite may be, the research regarding topics such as the formation of the military elite, their transformation and disappearance over time has been only superficially done. The novelty of the project lies in the manner of the detailed analysis of the existing relationship between the elites of the political and military autonomous regions in the southern Transylvania. The relevance of such an approach is the fact that the general theme of studying the Transylvanian elite military perspective would complete the overall picture and it would offer a possible explanation in terms of time and of the meteoric evolution of Romanian, Hungarian or German noble families.
We intend to contribute to the introduction of the military history and military elites from Transylvania in the specialized scientific literature circuit from central and southeast Europe, taking into account that the territory of this principality was in a strong relationship and interconnectivity with the surrounding regions and even represented the departure point of attempts to redraw the geopolitical map of the Lower Danube area.
The project includes two stages: one dedicated to documenting and clarifying the theoretical issues and the other establishing the situation of a precise person named in the documents dating from 13th Century, even information, if possible, for the location and current status of conservation of residential site of nobility in Transylvania from the above mentioned time.
List of significant publications:
- 1. Bresle şi arme în Transilvania (sec. XIV-XVI) / Guilds and Weapons in Transylvania (14th-16th Centuries), Editura Militară, Bucureşti, 2009, 236 p., ISBN 978-973-32-0814-3.
- 2. Die Grenzverteidigung Siebenbürgens im Mittelalter (10.-14. Jahrhundert), Arbeitskreis für Siebenbürgische Landeskunde Verlag, Heildelberg, 2007, 381 s., ISBN 978-3-929848-64-9.
- 3. Organizarea defensivă a Transilvaniei în evul mediu (secolele X-XIV) / The Defense System of Transylvania in Middle Ages (10th-14th Centuries), Editura Militară, Bucureşti, 2006, 331 p., ISBN(10) 973-32-0723-3, ISBN(13) 9789733207238.
- 4. Medieval Pottery from Orăştie-Dealul Pemilor X2, in: Funerary offerings and votive depositions in Europe's 1st millennium AD, Editor Călin Cosma, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Mega, 2007.
- 5. Über Verteidigungslinien nach Art der Verhaue in Siebenbürgen (9. - 13. Jahrhundert) eîn Zeitschrift für Siebenbürgische Landeskunde 24 (2001), Heft 2, s. 1-10.