Nume: TIPLIC Maria Emilia
Tema: Cultura şi istoria germanilor din România
Partener: Academia Română, Filiala Cluj, Institutul de Istorie George Bariţiu, Cluj-Napoca – Bundesinstitut für Kultur und Geschichte der Deutschen in östlichen Europa an der Universität Oldenburg, Oldenburg
Proiect: The Saxon Elite from South of Transylvania in the 13th-14th Centuries
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Personal profile
Maria-Emilia Ţiplic is PhD of the "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu since 2007 with a thesis about "Archaeological and Architectural Evidences of the German Colonization in Southern Transylvania". Since 2005, she is a Senior Researcher III at the Institute for Studies in Social Science and Humanities from Sibiu. She published several articles about the German Colonization in Transylvania in 12-13th centuries and studies regarding the archaeological researches at medieval churches from southern Transylvania. The main activities are research of Transylvanian Saxons in the middle Ages and their culture, the elite of Transylvanian Saxons and the history of medieval towns from Transylvania.
- 2000 – BA in history – "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu
- 2001 – MA degree in Preservation and Valorisation of National Patrimony – "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu
- 2007 – PhD in History – "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu
Research Stays:
She was involved from 2000 to 2010 in archaeological excavations in southern Transylvania, for instance archaeological research at: the Lutheran church from Cenade (Alba County), Orăștie (Hunedoara County), Huet Square and Lutheran church from Sibiu, Lutheran church from Cașolț (Sibiu County), Lutheran church from Păuca (Sibiu County) etc.
- 2006 (19 febr – 18 mai): Marie Curie Training Site for Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality funded by European Community in Centre for VLSI and Computer Graphics, Department of Informatics, University of Sussex.
- 2004 (1 mai – 31 iulie): DAAD PhD scholarship for research at the Transylvania Institute (Gundelsheim) at the University of Heidelberg (Siebenbürgen-Institut Gundelsheim an der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg).
Work place
Institute for Studies in Social Science and Humanities from Sibiu
The Saxon Elite from South of Transylvania in the 13th-14th Centuries
Our project consists in an in-depth research of the social history of southern Transylvanian Saxons, especially of the elite in their communities. It extends from the second half of the 12th century to 1382 (the end of the reign of Louis I of Anjou).
In a first part of our project, we will research the historiography of the Saxon elites. The next step of our research will consist in the exhaustive processing of the documents published in diplomataria (such as the Urkundenbuch zur Geschichte der Deutschen in Siebenbürgen; DIR. C, DRH. C., and Erdélyi Okmánytár), in order to make an inventory of the persons who had a role in their communities during the 13th and the 14th centuries. The third part of our research will consist in the processing of the information that we have collected and, last but not least, in analyzing the upper classes that existed in the Saxon communities.
By the detailed analysis of documents and of archeological and architectural vestiges being examined in the context of the Hungarian Kingdom’s economic and social development as well, we attempt to offer a complex picture of the elites of the Saxon community and, by new interpretations, to shed light on the social history of 14th-century Transylvania. The fortes of our research project are: 1) new interpretations given to the history of the rural Saxon Gräffen (the historical and genealogical evolution of the most important Gräffen familes, their residences and properties); 2) a complete image of the history of the urban Gräffen patriciate and the enterprising patriciate in the southern Transylvania (their role in the securing of new commercial rights and the preservation of the older ones); 3) an analysis of the clerical elite.
Relevant works
- Cultura materială a saşilor în secolele XII-XIII în Transilvania. I. Obiecte liturgice [Elemente der Materiellen Kultur der Siebenbürger Sachsen im 12. bis 13. Jahrhundert. Altargegenstände], in Relaţii interetnice în Transilvania (sec. VI-XIII), coordonatori: Zeno-Karl Pinter, Ioan-Marian Ţiplic, Maria-Emilia Ţiplic, Editura Economică, Bucureşti, 2005, ISBN, 973-709-158-2, p. 245-264.
- Virtual Reality Reconstruction and Interpretation of the Romanic Rotunda and Medieval Timber and Earthwork from Orăştie (Broos), in Zeitschrift für Siebenbürgische Landeskunde,, 30 /1, 2007, p. 1-6.
- Rit şi ritual funerar la saşii din sudul Transilvaniei în secolele XII-XIII [Bestattungsritus und –ritual der deutschen Hospites im Südsiebenbürgen im 12.-13. Jahrhundert], in Acta Musei Napocensis, 41-44 / II, 2004-2007, ISSN 1454-1521, p. 45-64.
- Cruciadele, Ungaria şi valurile de colonizare din sudul Transilvaniei [Die Kreuzzüge, Ungarn und die Ansiedlungswellen aus Südsiebenbürgen], în Studia Universitati Cibiniensis. Series Historica, VI, 2009, ISSN 1584-3165, p. 85-94. online istorie.ulbsibiu.ro
- Expansiunea regatului ungar în Transilvania, terra deserta, aşezarea oaspeţilor germani şi instalarea cavalerilor teutoni [Die Expansion des Königreiches Ungarn in Siebenbürgen, terra deserta, die Ansiedlung der deutschen Hospites und die Niederlassung der Deutschen Ritter], in Studia Universitati Cibiniensis. Series Historica, VII, 2010, ISSN 1584-3165, p. 97-118. online istorie.ulbsibiu.ro