Nume: TUDORIE Ionut
Tema: Cultura şi societatea bizantină şi post-bizantină: Biserica Bizantină într-o epocă de criză (1204-1500)
Partener: Partener Principal – Partener 1 – Partener 9 Academia Română – Filiala Cluj a Academiei Române, Centrul de Studii Transilvane, Cluj-Napoca, Academia Austriacă de Ştiinţe, Institutul de Studii Bizantine, Viena
Proiect: Spiritualia vs. Temporalia. The Authority Crisis in the Byzantine Empire (second half of the 13th century)
Date de contact
Lecturer at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology – University of Bucharest, specialization Church History / Byzantine Empire History; PhD in Theology at the University of Bucharest; Master degrees in Orthodox Theology and in South-Eastern Europe Mediaeval History; research study visits in Washington DC (USA), Rome (Italy), Strasbourg (France); editor of the periodical Studii Teologice.
Presentation of the research project
The title of the research project I propose is Spiritualia vs. Temporalia. The Authority Crisis in the Byzantine Empire (second half of the 13th century). By resorting to the Latin terminology (spiritualia and temporalia), I attempt to suggest already the influence exerted by the Western court settled on the bank of Bosphorus, after the Fourth Crusade, on the Church-State relationships in the Byzantine Empire during the Nicene exile and later times.
It is my intention to provide a pertinent analysis on the authority crisis in the 13th century Byzantium. This goal requires an interdisciplinary approach, starting from the imperial ideology debate, applied to the historical and social realities and, finally, anchored in the relationship between the Byzantine Church and the Roman Church. Two case studies can be considered to highlight the Church-State relationship in Byzantine Empire during the second half of 13th century: the Arsenite crisis, started in 1264 and ended only in 1310, and the union of Lyons (1274). The two episodes stress various aspects of this relationship in permanent dispute. Also, a special chapter will be dedicated to commentaries about a series of re-discovered gestures after the Fourth Crusade, such as anointing of the emperor by the patriarch, elevation of the new emperor on a shield, direct involvement of the emperor as epistemonarches in the patriarchal elections, officium stratoris etc.
- „Sinteze de istorie bizantină publicate în ultimul deceniu în limba română”, Studii Teologice, SN I (2005), nr. 3, pp. 120-128;
- „Saint Jean Cassien et son pèlerinage à Bethléem (382-385)”, in: Emanoil BĂBUŞ et alii (eds), The Romanian Principalities and the Holy Places along the centuries: Papers of the Symposium held in Bucharest, 15-18 October 2006, Bucureşti: Editura Σοφία, 2007, pp. 203-217 (the Romanian version of this text was published in: Studii Teologice, SN III – 2007, nr. 2, pp. 69-84);
- „Sfântul Fotie, patriarhul Constantinopolului: Omilia a X-a”, Studii Teologice, SN V (2009), nr. 4, pp. 213-228 (in collaboration with Oana Coman);
- „Alexandr Alexandrovici Vasiliev (1867-1953) - patriarhul studiilor bizantine”, in: Tabor, IV (2010), nr. 4 (iulie), pp. 18-49;
- Aleksandr A. Vasiliev, Istoria Imperiului bizantin, traducere şi note de Ionuţ-Alexandru Tudorie, Vasile-Adrian Carabă şi Sebastian-Laurenţiu Nazâru, Studiu introductiv de Ionuţ-Alexandru Tudorie, Iaşi: Editura Polirom, 2010, 800 p.