Nume: VALEANU Madalin Cornel
Tema: Comunităţi umane şi creaţia lor materială şi spirituală în preistoria şi protoistoria spaţiului carpato-nistrean
Partener: Academia Română, Filiala Iaşi, Institutul de Arheologie, Iaşi
Date de contact: madalinvaleanu@yahoo.com
I was born on the 1th of July, 1973 at Husi (Vaslui county). I grew up at Strunga (Iaşi county), near Habasesti village, where is the first cucutenian settlement from Romania fully investigated.
After receiving my high school diploma from Costache Negruzzi College in 1992, I studied at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi. First, I studied geology and I received academic degree (equivalent to the Bachelor’s + Master's degree) in 1997. Between 1997 and 1998, I studied geochemistry with Master's degree. Then, I continued with PhD in archaeology, with Mr. Prof. Mircea Petrescu-Dîmboviţa, doctoral advisor. I finished the PhD in 2003 with cum .
From 1997, I work at the Moldavia’s History Museum, part of “Moldova” National Museum Complex of Iaşi, and my current position is senior researcher / principal investigator. In parallel, from 2000, I am professor at Mihail Kogălniceanu University – Iaşi.
Now, I living in Miroslava, near Iaşi City, I am married with Ioana-Laura and we have a little girl.
- 1.Ministry of Education and Research, The National University Research Council – Bucharest (CNCSIS) Award IN HOC SIGNO VINCES with MAGNA CUM LAUDE for 2008. Awarded for special scientific activity at The National Conference CNCSIS 10 - Braşov, May 15-17, 2008.
- 2. Romanian Orthodox Church - The Metropolitan Church of Moldavia and Bucovina WORTHY AWARD – for the book Cozmeşti. Between Earth and Sky (original title in Romanian - translate in English), Authors: Mădălin-Cornel VĂLEANU, Ciprian DUMITRACHE, Iaşi, 2009, Prize was awarded at the special event to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the consecration of the Church of Cozmeşti (Iaşi County), September 24, 2009.
- 3. Cucuteni Foundation for the Third Millennium Award CUCUTENI 2009 – For first publishing in Romanian language of Hubert Schmidt – Cucuteni in Moldavia. The fortified settlement with painted ceramics, from Chalcolithic and till Bronze age (original title in German - translate in English). Edited and prefaced by Mădălin-Cornel VĂLEANU, translate in romanian by Geanina BISTRIŢAN, Tehnopress Publishing House, Iaşi, 2007.
Prize was awarded at the Scientific Session anniversary: 75 years museography in Piatra Neamt Region, Piatra Neamţ, Octomber 22-24, 2009.
An important subject debated by the scientific community is represented by the problematic of cultural transmissions from the Paleolithic to the Neolithic communities. Already in the Paleolithic, an important part of the social behavior is marked by the presence of spiritual, religious, events that could be identified in artistic creations, in funeral rites or in other forms of expression. In Neolithic, these got amplified and diversified, both regarding forms of manifestation and supports used for achieving them. And these manifestations have an indissoluble link with the space where the human communities lived, being also generated by the adaptations to the environment and the modifications caused within it. The project aims at approaching the cultural transmissions from the Paleolithic to the Neolithic communities, focusing on elements of art and religion, throughout the Carpathian – Dniestrean space, zone that has the advantage of long and rigorous archaeological researches. The work methodology proposes an interdisciplinary approach for the research of Paleolithic and Neolithic habitations in the studied area (ENVIRONMENT AND SPACE→ MAN→ ARTIFACTS→ ART AND SYMBOLS), in order to identify and define the elements of interest.
List of publications
I. Books
- 1. Văleanu M.C., 2003 – (original title in Romanian - translate in English): Man and Natural Environment in Neolithic and Eneolithic in Moldavia, Helios Publishing House – Iaşi, ISBN 973-99952-9-2, format A5, 272 pages text and 12 figures.
- 2. Văleanu M.C., 2003 – (original title in Romanian - translate in English): Neolithic and Eneolithic sites from Moldavia, Helios Publishing House – Iaşi, ISBN 973-86217-4-7 format A5, 232 pages text and 120 figures.
- 3. Petrescu-Dîmboviţa M., Văleanu M.C., 2004 – (original title in Romanian - translate in English): Cucuteni-Cetăţuia. Archaeological Monograph, „Constantin Matasă” Publishing House – Piatra Neamţ, in Bibliotheca Memoriae Antiquitatis series, vol. XIV, ISBN 973-7777-01-8, format A4, 406 pages text and 319 figures.
- 4. Borziac I., Chirica V., Văleanu M.-C., 2006 – Culture et sociétés pendant le Paléolithique supérieur à travers l’espace carpato – dniestréen, PIM Publishing House, in Bibliotheca Archaeologica Moldaviae series, vol.VI, ISBN (10): 973-716-495-4, ISBN (13): 978-973-716-495-7, format A4, 440 pages, text and figures.
- 5. Chirica V., Văleanu M.C., 2008 – (original title in Romanian - translate in English): Humanization of the celestial bull. Testimonies of spirituality from Ruginoasa (Iaşi County)- chalcolithic site of Cucuteni Culture, Demiurg Publishing House, Iaşi, ISBN 973-152-064-3, format page: academic, 208 pages, text and figures.
II. Editions & Volumes
- 1. Hubert Schmidt – Cucuteni. In der Oberen Moldau, Rumänien. Die befestigte Siedlung mit bemalter Keramik von der Stein kupferzeit in bis die vollentwickelte Brozezeit (title in translate in English: Cucuteni in Moldavia. The fortified settlement with painted ceramics, from Chalcolithic and till Bronze age), Herausgegeben und Eigeführt von Mădălin-Cornel VĂLEANU, Tehnopress Publishing House, Iaşi, 2006, ISBN (10) 973-702-385-4, ISBN (13) 978-973-702-385-8
- 2. Hubert Schmidt – Cucuteni din Moldova – România. Aşezarea fortificată cu ceramică pictată, din epoca pietrei şi cuprului şi până în apogeul epocii bronzului, Edited and prefaced by Mădălin-Cornel VĂLEANU, translate in romanian by Geanina BISTRIŢAN, Tehnopress Publishing House, Iaşi, 2007, ISBN 978-973-702-440-4.
- 3. Etablissements et habitations prehistoriques. structure, organisation, symbole, Actes du Colloque de Iaşi, 10-12 Decembre 2007, edité par Vasile CHIRICA et Mădălin-Cornel VĂLEANU, in Bibliotheca Arheologica Moldaviae series, IX, Publishing House PIM, Iaşi, 2008, ISBN 978-606-520-080-7.
- 4. Gheorghe Macarie - Feeling and representation. Baroque visual arts of the seventeenth century Moldavia. (original title in Romanian - translate in English), with a foreword by Răzvan THEODORESCU (Romanian Academie), Tehnopress Publishing House, Iaşi, 2008, ISBN: 978-973-702-567-8, edited by senior researcer Ph.D. Mădălin-Cornel VĂLEANU, scientific reviewers professseur Ph.D. Ioan CAPROŞU and Ph.D. Gheorghe CLIVETI (The Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iaşi).
III. Studies (most revelant)
- 1. Chirica V., Văleanu M., 2001 - L’étude géochimique du sédiment de l’habitat aurignacien de Mitoc-Malu Galben sur Prut, in Praehistoria (Miskolc-Ungaria), ISSN 1586 7811, vol. 2, pag.29-49.
- 2. Chirica V., Borziac I., Văleanu M., 2003 - Structures d’habitat dans le Paleolithique superieur (Aurignacien et Gravettien) entre les Carpates et le Dniestr, in Actes du XIV-ème Congrès UISPP, BAR International Series 1122, ISBN 1 84171 498 4, section 6, pag.139-146.
- 3. Ursulescu N., Văleanu M. C., 2009 - Le début de la culture de Cucuteni dans l’archéologie européenne, in Archaeologists without Boundaries: Towards a History of International Archaeological Congresses (1866-2006) / Archéologues sans frontières: Pour une histoire des Congrès archéologiques internationaux (1866-2006), Edited by Mircea Babeş and Marc-Antoine Kaeser, BAR International Series 2046, ISBN 9781407306223, pag. 47-51.
- 4. Văleanu M. C., 2006 – The Natural Environment and the Human Habitat, in The Great Medieval Coin Hoard of Iaşi (Historical Significance of the Great Medieval Coin Hoard of Iaşi – 2002), ed. Mihălescu-Bîrliba V., Acta Archaeologica Moldaviae series, I, ISBN (10) 973-611-437-6, ISNB (13) 978-973-611-437-3, p.373-379, 510, pl.30-34.
- 5. Văleanu M.C., 2008 - L’utilisation des photographies aeriennes dans l’etude des structures d’habitat neo-eneolithiques, în Etablissements et habitations prehistoriques. structure, organisation, symbole, Actes du Colloque de Iaşi, 10-12 Decembre 2007 (ed. par Vasile Chirica et Mădălin-Cornel Văleanu), în Bibliotheca Arheologica Moldaviae, IX, Editura PIM, 2008, ISBN 978-606-520-080-7, pag.315-326.