Nume: VASILACHE Viorica
Tema: Comunităţi umane şi creaţia lor materială şi spirituală în preistoria şi protoistoria spaţiului carpato-nistrean
Partener: Academia Română, Filiala Iaşi, Institutul de Arheologie, Iaşi
Proiect: Scientific investigation by physico-chemical methods of archaeologic artefacts from pre- and proto-hystory in Carpatho-Dniester area
Date de contact: viorica_18v@yahoo.com
Work experience
- 2007- present, Research assistant - „Al.I.Cuza” University, Iasi
- 01.04.2006 – 15.10.2007, Manager - SC. OCCO 2 S.R.L., Iasi
- 01.07.1994 – 31.03.2006, Researcher - Metropolitan Church of Moldova and Bucovina, Metropolitan Centre of Research T.A.B.O.R, Iasi
- 10.1994 – 06.1998, University assistant - „Al.I.Cuza” University, Faculty of Orthodox Theology
- 01.09.1990 – 30.09.1991, Professor - Primary School, Ţigăneşti, com. Munteni, Galaţi
Education and training
- 1.10.2006 – 4.05.2009, doctor in chemistry - „Gheorghe Asachi” University of Iasi,
- November 2008, Certificate of training, LINSEIS Company, Germany
- June 2000, Diploma to postgraduate training program „Scientific expertise of the goods of national cultural heritage”, Nr. 001806/30.06.2000, Ministry of Culture, Centre of Training and Staff Training in Cultural Institution, Bucuresti
- October 1991 – June 1994, Diploma of license, „Al.I. Cuza” University of Iasi, Faculty of Chemistry, specialization: Chemistry – Physics
- September 1987 – June 1990, Diploma of graduation, „Gh. Asachi” Politechnic Institut, Iasi, Faculty of Chemical Technology - Chemistry, specialization: Chemistry – Physics
Other language: English, French
Social skills and competences:
- Team spirit: state in nine research project;
- Ability to perceive informations;
- Strong sense of duty;
Organisational skills and competences:
- Organizational skills: participation in organizing two Prentice Hall , four International Symposium, a National Symposium and three Student Symposium
- Computer skills and competences: - User operating systems
- Other skills and competences: - Ability to use and adapt new methods and laboratory techniques
- Driving licence: - Category B vehicle
Scientific investigation by physico-chemical methods of archaeologic artefacts from pre- and proto-hystory in Carpatho-Dniester area
The projects aims at development of new research in scientific investigation of the artifacts from prehistory and proto history of Carpatho-Dniester area (metal, ceramics) in order to establish the period and area of origin of materials and samples analyzed, thus beeing able to assess the economical and social changes over time. Priority objectives aims to use modern methods of scientific investigation, non-invasive, through an experimental protocol based on complementary relationships involving conjunction and co-assistance interdisciplinary systems between diverse analyzing systems in order to establish both the elemental composition and archaeometric characteristics, and also the conservation state, the elucidation of deterioration and degradation and also the elucidation of the detrerioration and degradation state of studied artifacts.
Within this projects will be involved phisico and chemical analyzing methods, nondestructive and paradestructive, in order to establish the nature of materials and the operations and implementing work processess for artefacts from prehistory and proto-history of Carpatho-Dniester area. Analyses will be performed with advanced ecquipment from the Laboratory of Scientific Investigation and Conservation of the Cultural Patrimony Goods: scanning electron microscope (SEM-EDX) – VEGA TESCAN, micro-FTIR - BRUKER, optical microscope - ZEISS, derivatograph - LINSEIS, portable spectrophotometer – LOVIBOND RT300. By SEM-EDX and micro-FTIR will be analysed the structural components of ceramics and metal artefacts, while by thermogravimetric analyses will be established the time and burning temperatures for ceramics. It will highlight the development of databases with results obtained by analyzing artefacts in the study groups. Conclusions and correlation of results will elucidatte some of the dilemmas encountered in archaeological research of the prehistory and proto-history of Carpatho-Dniester area. Thus, for the neo-eneolitical period, we remind just the discussions regarding the charater of the ceramics production and the possible existence of some new manufacturing prestigious for the painted ceramics. For metal artifacts, a detailed analysis can highlights a number of specific structural elements for the ore, patina of the four situations (use, drop, archaeological site and discovery) and the alloy type which should allow the chronological assessment, the manufacturing area and usage period.
To make the scientific investigation of the obiects from prehistory and protohistory of the Carpatho-Dniester area, is needed the collaboration of specialists from different scientific fields (historians, archaeologists, chemists, physicists, biologists etc.), able to correlate archaeological with geological data from the field and with results obtained by method of analysis specific to some disciplines.
List of publications
Books (3):
- 1. I. SANDU, V. VASILACHE, F.A. TENCARIU, V. COTIUGĂ, Conservarea ştiinţifică a artefactelor din ceramică, Ed. Univ. ”Al.I.Cuza”, (ISBN 978-973-703-600-1), Iaşi, 2010, 455 pagini;
- 2. V. VASILACHE, I. SANDU, C.LUCA, I.C.A.SANDU, Noutăţi privind conservarea ştiinţifică a lemnului vechi policrom, Ed. Univ. ”Al.I.Cuza”, (ISBN 978-973-703-341-3/978-973-703-343-7), Iaşi, 2009, 282 pagini;
- 3. I. SANDU, I.C.A. SANDU, V. VASILACHE, M.L. GEAMAN, Aspecte moderne privind conservarea bunurilor culturale, vol.IV. Determinarea stării de conservare şi restaurarea picturilor de şevalet, Ed. Performantica, (ISBN 973-730-048-3 şi 973-730-242-7) Iaşi, 2006, 432 pagini;
a. Papers published in ISI Journals (6):
- 1. I. SANDU, V. VASILACHE, I.C.A. SANDU, M. HAYASHI, “New Method of Determining the Normal Range of Hydric-Equilibrium Variation in Wood with Multiple Applications”, in REVISTA DE CHIMIE, Bucureşti (ISSN 0034 -7752), vol. 61, 12, (2010), pp. 1212 -1218;
- 2. I. SANDU, O. MIRCEA, A.V. SANDU, I. SARGHIE, I.G. SANDU, V. VASILACHE, „Non-invasive Techniques in the Analysis of Corrosion Crusts formed on Archaeological Metal Objects”, REVISTA DE CHIMIE, Bucureşti (ISSN 0034 -7752), vol. 61, 11, (2010), pp. 1054 -1058;
- 3. I.C.A. SANDU, C. LUCA, I. SANDU, V. VASILACHE, M. HAYASHI, „Authentication of ancient easel-paintings through materials identification from polychrome layers. III. Cross-section and staning analysis” în REVISTA DE CHIMIE, Bucureşti (ISSN 0034-7752), vol. 59, 8, (2008), p. 855-866;
- 4. I.C.A. SANDU, C. LUCA, I. SANDU, V. VASILACHE, M. HAYASHI, „Authentication of ancient easel-paintings through materials identification from polychrome layers. II. FTIR Spectroscopy” în REVISTA DE CHIMIE, Bucureşti (ISSN 0034-7752), vol. 59, 4 (2008), 384-387;
- 5. I. SANDU, C. LUCA, I.C.A. SANDU, V. VASILACHE, „Authentication of ancient easel-paintings through materials identification from polychrome layers. I. Gas-chromatography analysis” în REVISTA DE CHIMIE, Bucureşti (ISSN 0034-7752), vol. 58, nr.10, (2007), p. 879 – 886;
- 6. I.C.A. SANDU, C. LUCA, I. SANDU, V. VASILACHE, I.G. SANDU, “Research concerning the evaluation of the ageing of some soft week supports of old painting with preparation layer. III. The thermogravimetric analysis”, REVISTA DE CHIMIE, Bucureşti, (ISSN 0034-7752), 53, 9, 2002, p.607-616, Impact Factor = 0,281, Author Factor = 0,056 (C.A. 368257t);
b. Papers published in International Journals in BDI (2):
- 1. I. SANDU, M. BRÂNZILĂ, O.G. IANCU, I.G. SANDU, V. VASILASCHE, A.V. SANDU, “The current state of conservation of Romanian stone monuments”, SCIENTIFIC ANNALS OF THE SCHOOL OF GEOLOGY (Aristotel University of Thessaloniki, Greece) (ISBN 978-960-9502-02-3), 100, Special Issue, 2010, pp. 421-428;
- 2. I. SANDU, V. COTIUGA, A.V. SANDU, A.C. CIOCAN, G.I. OLTEANU, V. VASILACHE, New Archaeometric Characteristics for Ancient Pottery Identification, INTERNATIONL JOURNAL of CONSERVATION SCIENCE (Print ISSN 2067-533X, Online 2067-8223), ),”Al.I.Cuza” University of Iasi, 1, 2, (2010), p. 75-82;
c. Papers Published in Proceeding with ISBN or ISSN, non ISI, international edited (4):
- 1. I. SANDU, G.I. OLTEANU, I.G. SANDU, V.VASILACHE, A.V. SANDU, „Aspecte moderne privind investigarea ştiinţifică a artefactelor din ceramică”, Proceedings of the International Simpozium CUCUTENI-5000 REDIVIVUS (ISBN 978-9975-45-094-2), Chişinău, Technical University Press, 2010, p. 92 - 103;
- 2. I. SANDU, V. COTIUGĂ, A. V. SANDU, V. VASILACHE, „Aspecte moderne privind conservarea ştiinţifică integrată a artefactelor din ceramică”, Proceedings of the International Simpozium CUCUTENI-5000 REDIVIVUS (ISBN 978-9975-45-094-2), Chişinău, Technical University Press, 2010, p. 104 - 113;
- 3. I. SANDU, C. LUCA, I.C.A. SANDU, V. VASILACHE, I.G. SANDU, „Non-destructive method used in the monitoring of restoration interventions on the medieval frescoes”, In Situ Monitoring of monumental Surfaces (ed. P. Tiano, C. Pardini), Ed. Edifir (ISBN 978-88-7970-390-1), Firenze, 2008, p. 427- 432;
- 4. I. SANDU, D.S. NOUR, I.G. SANDU, V. VASILACHE, A.V. SANDU, „In Situ Monitorisation of the Frescoes Restauration Behaviour for Proboita Monastery (Romania)”, in Proceedinds of the 1st World Conference on GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE AND ITS IMPACT ON STRUCTURES OF CULTURAL ERITAGE (ISBN: 978-981-08-0409-1), Ed. Cl-Premier Pte Ltd., Singapore - Macau SAR, 2008, p. 83-89;
d. Papers Published in International Proceeding with ISBN or ISSN, non ISI, national edited (13):
- 1. I. SANDU, O. MIRCEA, I. SÂRGHIE, A.V. SANDU, C. MARIAN, V. VASILACHE, “Applications of non-invasive techniques in the analysis of corrosion crusts formed on archaeological metal objects”, in Proceding of 5th International Conference ARTCAST 2010 (Casting from rigor of technique to art), Galaţi University Press (ISSN 2068-3510), Galati, 2010, p. 7-19;
- 2. I. SANDU, C. BEJINARIU, A.V. SANDU, V. VASILACHE, I.G. SANDU, M. BRÂNZILĂ, “Obtaining and characterization of vitroceram by chemical dopped ZnO for art mosaic” in Proceding of 5th International Conference ARTCAST 2010 (Casting from rigor of technique to art), Galaţi University Press (ISSN 2068-3510), Galati, 2010, p. 138-151;
- 3. I. SANDU, G. I. OLTEANU, I. G. SANDU, V. VASILACHE, A.V. SANDU, C.A. CIOCAN, “Datarea documentelor vechi pe suporturi papetare celulozice”, 3rd International Scientific Session. Internal Affairs and Justice in the Process of the European Integration and Globalization, Pro Universitaria Bucureşti (ISSN 2066-995X), p. 1404-1411;
- 4. I.SANDU, V. VASILACHE, C. LUCA, I.C.A. SANDU, New data in the scientifical conservation of old wood, in Proceeding of the IVth International Simposium Cucuteni 5000 Redivivus – Exact and Less Exact Sciences, Ed. Pim (ISBN 978-606-520-664-9), Iaşi, 2009, p. 177-198;
- 5. A.V. SANDU, V. VASILACHE, I. SANDU, M. SAVIUC, I.G.SANDU, I.M. POPA, „Obtaining and Characterisation of Thermoresistive Pigments”, in International Scientific Conference UGALMAT 2009 (Advenced Materials and Technologies), vol. II, Ed. University Press GUP (ISSN 1843-5807), Galaţi, 2009, p. 470-474;
- 6. I. SANDU, V. VASILACHE, N. VRINCEANU, V. COTIUGA, A.C. CIOCAN, “Atributele autentificarii artefactelor vechi si sisteme analitice de investigare stiintifica”, in International Conference Afacerile interne si justitia in procesul integrarii europene si al globalizarii, Sectiunea FORENSINC SCIENCE, Ed. ProUniversitaria (ISSN 2066-995X), Bucuresti, 2009, p. 319-324;
- 7. I. SANDU, N. VRINCEANU, V. VASILACHE, A.C. CIOCAN, V. COTIUGA, “Metode si tehnicii neinvazive utilizate in autentificarea artefactelor”, in International Conference Afacerile interne si justitia in procesul integrarii europene si al globalizarii, Sectiunea ENGINEERING SCIENCE, Ed. ProUniversitaria (ISSN 2066-995X), Bucuresti, 2009, p. 777-784;
- 8. V. VASILACHE, I.C.A. SANDU, A. CIOCAN, I. SANDU, M. HAYASHI, “Retention of permethrin-red petroleum system during the wood process of preservation”, 7th International Conference Wood Science and Engineering in the Third Millennium – ICWSE 2009”, “Transilvania” University Press (ISSN 1843-2589), Braşov, 2009, p. 466 – 470;
- 9. I. G. SANDU, M. HAYASHI, I. SANDU, V. VASILACHE, N. VRÎNCEANU, A. CIOCAN, “The impact of old wood at the contact with metallic structural components from artifacts”, 7th International Conference Wood Science and Engineering in the Third Millennium – ICWSE 2009”, “Transilvania” University Press (ISSN 1843-2589), Braşov, 2009, p. 479 – 485;
- 10. V. VASILACHE, I. SANDU, C. LUCA, M. HAYASHI, A.V. SANDU, “Determination of the conservation state of old wood artifacts”, in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Advances Materials and Systems ICAMS 2008, Ed. CERTEX (ISBN 978 – 973 – 1716 – 39 – 8), Bucureşti, 2008, p. 501 – 507;
- 11. I. SANDU, T. LUPASCU, I.C.A. SANDU, C. LUCA, I.G. SANDU, V. VASILACHE, M. HAYASHI, M. CIOBANU, “New method for the evaluation of the characteristics on the old wood used in preservation process and authentication”, in Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Advances Materials and Systems ICAMS 2008, Ed. CERTEX (ISBN 978 – 973 – 1716 – 39 – 8), Bucureşti, 2008, p. 490 – 494;
- 12. I. SANDU, V. VASILACHE, M. HAYASHI, N. VRÎNCEANU, A. CIOCAN, A.V. SANDU, „The conservability of old wood at the contact with metallic structural components from artifacts”, in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference CASTING, FROM RIGOR OF TECHNIQUE TO ART – ARTCAST 2008 (ISBN 978-973-7845-94-8), Ed EUROPLUS, Galaţi, 2008, p. 26-32;
- 13. I. SANDU, M. HAYASHI, M. QUARANTA, C. BEJINARIU, C. STANCIU, I.C.A. SANDU, V. VASILACHE, "The study of metal-old wood interactions under the influence of pedological factors", Advanced Technologies and Materials UGALMAT 2007, "Dunărea de Jos" University of Galaţi, 2007, p. 350-355;
e. Papers Published in National Journals, non ISI (5)>:
- 1. I.G. SANDU, M. HAYASHI, I. SANDU, V. VASILACHE, N. VRINCEANU, A.C. CIOCAN, „Impactul lemnului vechi la contactul cu componentele structurale metalice din artefacte”, PROLIGNO (ISSN: 1841-4737), 5, 2, iunie 2009, p. 2;
- 2. M. HAYASHI, I. SANDU, A.C. CIOCAN, V. VASILACHE, I.C.A. SANDU, “The Impact of Some Active Compounds Implied in the Preservation of the Old Wood”, în ACTA UNIVERSITATIS CIBIENSIS (ISSN 1583-5030), Seria F, CHEMIA, vol. 11, 2, (2008), p. 27 - 39;
- 3. A.C. CIOCAN, I. SANDU, M. HAYASHI, A.V. SANDU, V. VASILACHE, “Analytical Complementary Techniques in the Determination of the Degree of Penetrationm of Some Active Compound During Old Wood Preservation”, în ACTA UNIVERSITATIS CIBIENSIS (ISSN 1583-5030), Seria F, CHEMIA, vol. 11, 2, (2008), p. 47 – 63;
- 4. I. SANDU, M. HAYASHI, M. QUARANTA, C. BEJENARIU, C. STANCIU, I.C.A. SANDU, V. VASILACHE, „The study of metal-old wood interactions under the influence of pedological factors” in THE ANALLS OF „DUNAREA DE JOS” UNIVERSITY OF GALATI, Fascicle IX. METALLURGY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE, (ISSN 1453-083X), 25/30, Nov (2), 2008, p. 119-126;
- 5. I. SANDU, V. VASILACHE, M. HAYASHI, N. VRÂNCEANU, A. CIOCAN, A.V. SANDU, „The conservability of old wood at the contact with metallic structural components from artifacts”, in THE ANALLS OF „DUNAREA DE JOS” UNIVERSITY OF GALATI, Fascicle IX. METALLURGY AND MATERIALS SCIENCE, (ISSN 1453-083X), 25/30, May (1), 2008, p. 21-28;
f. Papers Published in National Proceedings, non ISI (2):
- 1. I. SANDU, V. VASILACHE, C. LAZANU, „Noi cercetari asupra unor vârfuri de lance de la Muzeul Judeţean Ştefan cel Mare” Vaslui”, A XXXIII a Sesiuni Naţionale de Comunicări Ştiinţifice, ACTA Moldaviae Meridionalis, Vaslui, 19-20 Nov, 2010;
- 2. I. SANDU, O. WELLER, M. ALEXIANU, R. CURCA, V. VASILACHE, „Caracteristici arheometrice la ceramica pentru brichetaje”, Zilele Facultatii de Inginerie Chimica şi Protectia Mediului, Editia a VII-a, „90 de Ani de la Naşterea Academicianului Cristofor SIMIONESCU” Iaşi, 2010